
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! School begins on Monday, August 26th. On-line registration is open Monday, July 8 – all students must be registered for school each year!

Please review the documents below to help your family prepare for the new school year!

If you have further questions after reading the information below, please call our office at (515) 242-8418.

Carver handbook letter 2425

Carver handbook Letter Sp july 24

Quick Glance Reference Carver 24 25

QuickGlanceReference Carver SP 0724

Arrival dismissal reminders ESP 0724

Carver is Title I building – we receive additional funding each year to assist us in meeting the needs of our students and families. Click on the link below to see Title I Parent “Right to Know” information:

Title I Parent right to know

Upcoming fall family events will be announced in September!

Want to learn more about our district  Title I Program and policies? Click here to learn more about our district’s Title I Parent Involvement Program!